

Watching flowers blossom and wilt, you will be able to see the impermanence of phenomena, all of which go through creation and destruction. You will unfold your wisdom or you may become enlightened, re-identifying with your true nature. For example, there were those who heard the Dharma when Shakyamuni Buddha was on earth, and who followed his teaching of the Twelve-Links of Dependent Origination—they are called cause-awakened ones. Then there are those who are born into a world with no Buddha or Dharma to listen to. But through observation of impermanence, and of the creation and destruction of all phenomena, they become enlightened. These self-awakened ones have unimaginable roots of virtue from previous lives.

專輯: Daily Dharma

標籤: #Cultivating merits and wisdom #Impermanence #Twelve Links of Dependent Origination #Virtuous roots #Wisdom